Sunday, November 7, 2021

The Tolerant Class

At the onset, let me acknowledge that there is plenty of misinformation and exaggeration on all sides of the Covid issue. One side can’t seem to acknowledge that, despite their waning effectiveness, there still remains a short-term benefit from the jabs regarding hospitalization and death. Another side can’t seem to acknowledge the depth of short-term adverse reactions that so many experience, or that the long-term adverse effects of the jab and the forthcoming boosters remain a huge unknown.

However, I wish here to reach through all of that confusion, obfuscation, and divisiveness and speak directly and specifically to the still-accelerating roll-out of the Mandates & Passports. In other words, if you want to continue to try to convince others to get jabbed, have at it. May we all figure out how to speak to each other like human beings, acknowledging each other's valid concerns.

But since the roll-out of the Mandates & Passports continue like a run-away steam-roller, I will continue to escalate my push-back against them. I am too scared and too angry not to. Here’s my push-back against the Mandates & Passports:

The Tolerant Class endorses the firing of nurses and doctors who less than a year ago were hailed as “Heroes”. Nurses and doctors who literally risked their lives in order to care for others when a poorly understood but highly contagious disease was spreading throughout society.

The Tolerant Class endorses even firing those nurses and doctors who can prove they have natural immunity. Because the Tolerant Class is “following the science”.

The Tolerant Class endorses blaming the un-jabbed for spreading Covid when there’s at least as much evidence that the jabbed are also spreading the disease. Once again, that’s “following the science.”

The Tolerant Class endorses upending our longstanding cultural norms around medical privacy.

The Tolerant Class endorses upending our longstanding cultural norms around informed consent.

The Tolerant Class endorses casting aside the precautionary principle.

The Tolerant Class strenuously ignores the world’s most successful strategy against Covid to date, the State of Uttar Pradesh in India, which went from having skyrocketing cases to being effectively Covid-free in a matter of months, with only half the vaccination rate of the US. The Tolerant Class continues to ignore this so they can continue to prove that they care for the good-of-all by mandating jabs.

The Tolerant Class believes, as Thomas Harrington said, “that hearing someone utter a critique against an ideological construct that another person told them was good and correct is much more problematic than forcing someone to be injected with an experimental drug under the threat of losing their livelihood.”

At least the Tolerant Class isn’t Racist or Homophobic.

In the State of New South Wales in Australia, it is illegal for an un-jabbed person to visit another person in their own home. It is illegal for an un-jabbed person to go outside with more than one other person. These are actual laws on their books. No joke.

In the German State of Hesse, supermarkets can now legally block entry to the un-jabbed. No joke.

In Israel, your vaccination pass is no longer valid if you have only had two jabs. You have to already have had the third jab in order to participate freely in society. No joke.

All over the world, personal QR Codes for proof-of-vaccination for entry to all sorts of places are being completely normalized. All over the world.

Keep in mind that the Chinese have a digital social credit system where someone with a bad social credit score can be banned from traveling, working, banking, and entering contracts. In other words, if an authority figure deems you a threat in any way, you can be digitally disappeared with a keystroke.

How many steps away is a QR code Jab-Pass to enter a grocery store from the Chinese Social Credit System? If we were honest with ourselves, we’d have to admit that it is essentially the same. Digitally disappearing your political enemies is only one keystroke away.

Please take just one second here and imagine that your political enemies are the ones with this power in the future. Imagine it is their keystroke.

Please take just one second here and realize that none of the powers that the Government took in the Patriot Act were walked back in the intervening years. In fact, since then, they instead lied to our faces and told us that they weren’t spying on each and every one of us. Even though they were. And are. You know this.

Folks, things are moving very fast. Our fear of death is feeding the death-eaters.

Let us not sleepwalk foolishly into a totalitarian dystopia while mistakenly thinking that we’re taking every step proving how much we care for other people, trying to clarify that at least we’re not like all of those racist, homophobic deplorables.

Here’s a helpful poem from Martin Niemoller, a Lutheran Minister, Junior Officer and Early Nazi Supporter:

First they came for the Communists,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me,
and by that time there was no one
left to speak up for me.

The following are actual signs that hung in Berlin in the 1930s and 1940s. They are included in the “Places of Remembrance” Memorial in the Bavarian Quarter, Berlin, Germany. It would serve us well to review them, and to note the chronological order:

“All local government offices in Berlin must immediately suspend Jewish teachers in public schools.” April 1, 1933
“Jews are excluded from sports groups.” April 25, 1933
“Jews are expelled from all choral groups.” August 16, 1933
“Jews may not use the public beach at Wansee.” August 22, 1933
“Jewish authors are forbidden from all literary activities in Germany.” March, 1935
“Excursions by Jewish Youth Groups of more than 20 are forbidden” July 10, 1935
“Jewish veterinarians may not open practices.” April 3, 1936
“Jews may not receive academic degrees.” April 15, 1937
“Aryan and non-Aryan children are not allowed to play together.” 1938
“Jews may not be members of the German Red Cross.” January 3, 1938
“Jews may not own or run retail shops or mail order businesses.” November 12, 1938
“Jewish children are expelled from public schools.” November 15, 1938
“Jewish publishing houses and bookstores are to be dissolved by the end of the year.” December 1938
“General Employment Ban for all Jews.” January 17, 1939
“Jewish communities are responsible for clearing the rubble at synagogues which have been destroyed. Reconstruction is forbidden.” March 24, 1939
“Jews are not permitted to leave their apartments after 8 p.m.” September 1, 1939
“Telephone lines to Jewish households will be cut off.” July 29, 1940
“Jews in Berlin are only allowed to buy food between four and five o’clock in the afternoon.” July 4, 1940
“First mass deportation of Berlin Jews.” October 18, 1941
“The emigration of Jews is forbidden.” October 23, 1941
“First deportations directly to the death camp at Auschwitz.” July 11, 1942
“All files dealing with anti-Semitic activities are to be destroyed.” February16, 1945

First they came for the Un-Vaccinated,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I was Vaccinated.
Then they came for those without the First Booster Shot,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I had my First Booster Shot.
Then they came for those without their Second Booster Shot,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I had my Second Booster Shot.
Then they came for me,
and by that time there was no one
left to speak up for me.

If you have somehow made it this far in this post, the first thing I want to say is thank you.

The second thing I want to say is please understand that NPR is Mainstream Media. You’ve probably heard that NPR is heavily funded by the Robert Woods Johnson Foundation. Well, that’s one of the Johnson’s of well known Johnson’s & Johnson’s - one of the 3 manufacturers of the Covid jabs here in the US. That is more than a small conflict of interest. You may want to take everything they say with a grain of salt. And we know who owns the rest of the Mainstream Media.

The third thing I want to say is that it’s past time to bring up Mass Formation, a phenomenon of mass psychology that is essentially mass hypnosis. This historically led to the solidification of horrible totalitarian regimes such as the Nazis in Germany or the Bolsheviks in the Soviet Union. I highly recommend looking into the writings and interviews of Mattias Desmet, a professor of psychology at the University of Ghent in Belgium who has studied Mass Formation for the last ~20 years.

Mass Formation can happen in any society when four cultural conditions are met: 1) widespread social isolation, 2) widespread lack of sense-making in people’s lives, 3) widespread free-floating anxiety, 4) widespread psychological discontent.

The following is from Mattias Desmet when interviewed recently by Reiner Fuellmich. It is worth quoting at length.

"Free-floating anxiety is the most painful psychological phenomenon someone can experience. It’s extremely painful. It leads up to panic attacks, to all kinds of extremely painful psychological experiences. What people want in this situation is something to connect their anxiety to. They’re looking for an explanation for the anxiety. And now, if this free-floating anxiety is highly present in a population, and the media provide a narrative, which indicates an object of anxiety, and at the same time, describe a strategy to deal with this object of anxiety, then all the anxiety connects to this object and people are willing to follow the strategy to deal with this object, no matter what the cost is. That is what happens in the beginning of mass formation.

Then in a second step, people start a collective and heroic battle with this object of anxiety. And in that way, a new kind of social bond emerges and a new kind of sense-making. Suddenly life is all directed at battling the object of anxiety and in this way, establishing a new connection with other people. And that, the sudden switch of a negative state, a radical lack of social connection, to the opposite, to the massive social connection that is experienced in a crowd. This sudden switch leads up to a sort of mental intoxication. That’s what makes mass formation, or crowd formation, the exact equivalent of hypnosis. All people who have been describing, who have been studying, mass formation, such as Gustave Le Bon, William McDougall, and Elias Canetti have remarked that mass formation is not similar to hypnosis; that mass formation is exactly equal to hypnosis. Mass formation is a sort of hypnosis.

What happens is that at that moment, when people experience mental intoxication, it doesn’t matter anymore whether the narrative is correct or wrong, even blatantly wrong. What matters is that it leads up to this mental intoxication. And that’s why they continue to go along with the narrative, even if they could know by thinking for one second, that it is wrong. That is the central mechanism of mass formation. And that makes it so difficult to destroy it. Because for people, it doesn’t matter when the narrative is wrong. And what we try to do is we all try to show constantly that the narrative is wrong. But for people that’s not what it is all about. It’s all about the fact that they don’t want to go back to this painful state of free-floating anxiety.

What we have to realize, if we want to change this state of affairs, is that the first thing we have to do is acknowledge this painful anxiety. To think about why we got in the state of lack of sense-making, lack of social bonds, free-floating anxiety, the massive psychological discontent, and try to tell people, now we don’t need a Corona Crisis to establish a new social bond. We have to look for other ways to deal with the psychological problems that existed before the Corona Crisis and try to find other solutions. We don’t need this kind of mass phenomenon to solve the problems.

Mass formation is actually a symptomatic solution for a real psychological problem. In my opinion, this crisis in the first place is a large societal and psychological crisis much more than a biological crisis, let’s say. From this state of mental intoxication you can explain all the rest of the phenomenon of totalitarianism. The mental intoxication leads to a narrowing of the field of attention. It makes people only see what is indicated by the narrative.

For instance, people see the victims of the Corona virus, but they don’t seem to see at the cognitive level, the collateral damage of the lockdowns and all the victims that are claimed by the lockdowns. They are also not able, at an emotional level, to really feel empathy for the victims of the lockdowns. That is not because they are very egoistic. No, it’s just an effect of this psychological phenomenon. And it’s definitely—even as a consequence of mass formation, people do not get egoistic at all. But rather, to the contrary, mass formation focuses your attention so much on one point that you can take everything away of people—their psychological and physical well-being, their material well-being—you can take it away and they will not even notice it.

That’s one of the major consequences of mass formation. It’s exactly the same as hypnosis, as classical hypnosis. When a hypnotist—during hypnosis someone’s attention is focused on one point, you can cut in his flesh, the person will not notice it. That is what happens all the time. When a hypnosis is used as a kind of an anesthesia during a surgical operation, a rather simple hypnotic procedure is sufficient to make people completely insensitive to pain. You can, without any problem, cut in their flesh. Even under some circumstances you can perform an open heart operation in which the surgeon cuts straight through the breastbone and the patient will not notice this. That shows us that the focusing of attention is so strong, both in mass formation or in hypnosis, that people are really insensitive to all the personal losses they experience as a consequence.

Another consequence, that is very typical for totalitarian states, is that people become radically intolerant for dissonant voices. Because if someone tells another story, if someone claims that the official story is wrong, then this person threatens to wake the people up and they will get angry because they’re confronted with the initial anxiety and the initial psychological discontent. So they direct all that aggression at these dissonant voices, at the other voices. And at the same time, they are radically tolerant for their leaders, for the people who pronounce the mainstream narrative. These people can actually cheat and lie and manipulate and do everything they want, but they will always be forgiven by the crowd because the crowd seems to think that they do it for their own sake. That’s also part of the mechanism of mass formation."

Widespread Isolation:                                                                                           Check
Widespread Lack of Sense-making:                                                                        Check
Widespread Free-floating Anxiety:                                                                         Check
Widespread Psychological Discontent:                                                                    Check
Object of Anxiety (the Un-Jabbed) Focused on by Media:                                        Check
Media-Focused Strategy to Deal with Object of Anxiety:                                          Check
Collective and Heroic Battle Against Object of Anxiety:                                           Check
Hypnotic Attachment to Narrative Even When Contradicted by Evidence:                 Check
Blindness to Pain Inflicted on Others and even Oneself:                                           Check
Radical Intolerance to Dissonant Voices:                                                                  Check

At this point, you don’t need me to tell you that this isn’t looking so good.

And on top of all of that, or perhaps better said, below and foundational to all of that, our world is at a crossroads, a tipping point of not being able to carry on as it has before in just about every dimension of our lives.

We simply can’t continue going into debt to create a bunch of stuff that we don’t really need, using resources that we are running out of, thereby filling the world with all kinds of “illth”.

“Illth” is the opposite of wealth. (As John Michael Greer defines it, “to have ‘illth’ is to be burdened by things you don’t need or want, things that harm your well-being or prevent you from doing what you like.”)

So as Mattias Desmet says, “We have to look for other ways to deal with the psychological problems that existed before the Corona Crisis and try to find other solutions.”

In that vein, I’m going to get off this laptop now and go do something else.

As the last thing before I go, I’m going to link to a recent paper by Thomas Harrington published by the Brownstone Institute called “The Frightened Class”, analogous to what I’ve ironically called in this post “The Tolerant Class”. His paper is the source for the first quote in this post.

The Brownstone Institute recently brought on Martin Kulldorff, the epidemiologist from Harvard, as their Senior Scientific Director. They already had Jay Bhattacharya from Stanford as a Senior Scholar. I wish they would also bring on Dr. Harvey Risch, from Yale, as a Senior Scholar. You’ve probably heard of Harvard, Stanford and Yale. Have you heard of these doctors? I encourage you to check them out. While you can.

And when you’re ready, get off the device. Not before you’re ready. But when you’re ready.

Thank you so much for your time and attention.


  1. Farmer,
    You disappointed me since you failed to point out that those mandates and vaccine passports are coming from Democrat-led state and federal powers of government and that it is the Republican congress critters and state governors who have been at the forefront of halting the wanton destruction of the liberties you described in this blog post. --Bob

    1. Up here in Canada the more conservative provinces are also pretty bad. Not a lot of difference as it seems that a good majority of Canadians have bought in fully and think that the un-jabbed should suffer. Things are much farther along and the courts are not protecting us.

    2. You are undoubtedly correct that the Democrat Party seems to be planting their flag firmly with the Mandates & Passports.
      The primary reason I did not claim this directly in my post is because I am attempting to speak to an unfolding global phenomenon, and not one limited to the USA and its politics.

  2. Thank you, as always, for your insightful writings. I agree with everything you have said and only hope people wake up in time.

  3. Farmer,
    Thank you so much for sharing your clear and strong sense-making! It should be a mandatory read for all.
    I think the part about NPR is perhaps the most crucial. I would add to it that The Gates Foundation and countless tech/AI companies make up the bulk of their funding by now. All of them are absolutely salivating over the corona-crisis and, thereby, NPR's funding has been totally one-sided and obsessed with the "virus" and all its trappings since Day 1. Countless (and I mean COUNTLESS!!) times they have had perfect opportunities within a "story" to honorably interview people who are not afraid, who trust and nurture their immunity, who question the gung-ho narrative, who want to be heard, who are smart and aware and relevant, who have done their "homework", who do not agree with medical coercion. But, no, NPR repetitively (and I mean REPETITIVELY!!) makes questioning the 6-ft-apart-mask-vaccine drumbeat solely the territory of crazy, fringe, uninformed losers.
    Well, I am here to join you in saying loud and clear that they are wrong!! There are countless numbers of us - strong, wise, aware, sane, talented, vigorous and lovely HUMANS taking a stand against brainwashing and mass hysteria.
    If they're so "...ToLeRaNt...", why can't they tolerate OUR choice?!?
    Thanks again, friend!!

  4. Farmer, I am so greatful you exist. And you have the courage and conviction to write and clarify and inform those open to it. And you do it so clearly. Thank you.

    I am living on St Martin where we still have great freedoms, though efforts from Europe are being made to change that. And I can't believe I am even writing that. The grief. The insanity. The tears.

    I will forward this on to others. Thank you again, Farmer. And please, don't stop.

  5. I made it all the way through, and thanks for filling in some of the pieces in my understanding of what's happening.

  6. Spot on as usual Farmer! I must agree that the planet has been under mass hypnosis/magic, perhaps even way before the current "crisis" - Whenever I hear ANYTHING repeated ad naseum that informs me up front that the intentions are not for anything more than a propaganda machine or an attempt to control my sovereign thought process. Why haven't we heard that eating whole foods not dowsed in glyphosate on repeat via the media? (Okay some of us know why) Or, that sunlight on our bodies is healthy and healing, Or a million other things that the FDA approves as safe and effective which are in reality horrible for humans. Thank you for sharing your wisdom.

  7. I agree with the first response by Bob...Phil

  8. It's funny to me when people rush to believe the claims of politicians who have magically solved the problems. I'd suggest that believing the magical claims of POLITICIANS is absolute foolhardy.

  9. The piece about the Mass Formation phenomenon is critical here, imo (I hadn't heard of it before, and thank you for this research). It offers some explanation as to how it is that many of my otherwise intelligent, critically-thinking peers and loved ones seem to be completely missing what appears to me as the glaringly obvious: the notion that the drug manufacturers, within a free market capitalist system, serve their principle bottom line of profit over the health and wellbeing of the global populace.

    Luckily, the resistance is strong.

    I’m glad you included an expanded list of the signs from the Places of Remembrance Memorial. I found out about this Memorial from a documentary I saw recently called “Germans and Jews”. In it, some of the subjects reveal that for many decades after the war, most children grew up mostly and sometimes completely unaware of what happened in their own backyards in Germany during WWII and the events leading up to it. Many parents and schoolteachers were silent about these events, somewhat understandably, and entire generations of youngsters in Germany grew up not having much of a clue about this horrific history.

    Silence = death was a lesson I first remember hearing connected to the AIDS crisis in the 80’s, and it still applies today. It’s time we put the crimes of the past, as well as the present, on the table, and deal with them directly. As uncomfortable as it is, it seems critical to have these kinds of conversations as often as we can, and to continue to publicly question this charade of deception. Thank you for your writing.

  10. Put into words what I have known and been thinking of lately. So well conveyed, thank you for you ability to put this out!

  11. Put into words what has been in my thoughts. Thank you for your ability to put this out!

  12. Hi I just discovered your site via The Automated Earth. Good article. Well done. Among other things I am a hypno-NLP practitioner.
    I also had come to the conclusion that what we are seeing now - and indeed its been used for a long time via TV advertising - is a form of trance. Most people think of trance as the one where the chin goes down on the chest - that's DEEP trance - but there are also lighter forms of trance. Just because the eyes are open doe not mean that a trance state has been invoked. Social media has been great at inducing echo-chambers of same opinion and also at inducing unquestioning trance states. The frightening thing is that there are not many people who even notice this.
    Instead we have this bombardment of propaganda that most people swallow without questioning. I'm just stunned at how sheep like the majority have kow-towed to being injected by experimental gene therapies that havent been tested properly,and continue on with booster shots. Australia, in particular, seems to have surrendered to Fascist tactics. OK their media is mostly owned by Murdoch but still..
    Anyway good article. Keep the faith.

  13. Thanks Amigo,
    We need to keep thinking independently without fear, and doing constructive and cooperative things, and laying necessities in stock, and preparing for our culling.
    All are never under the spell. We are not.
    John Day

  14. Excellent writing. The description of mass formation echoes the concepts Eric Hoffer details in True Believer. Hoffer uses the term 'fear' instead of 'anxiety' but it has the same uses and results.

  15. I would point out to Bob that these are *corporate* lead mandates. Corporations are all too happy to support both parties, because both work for them, at the expense of you and I. The faux Democrat/Republican divide is simply a divide and conquer strategy. Have you ever noticed that no matter which party you root for, they always seem to fall flat while in office, even when they control both houses in congress? Have you ever noticed that neither party seems to have much of a problem with the pharma or health insurance rackets? With trashing the environment for the benefit of a few wealthy individuals, or trashing any public service that you and I might benefit from?

  16. "One side can’t seem to acknowledge that, despite their waning effectiveness, there still remains a short-term benefit from the jabs regarding hospitalization and death."

    An obsession with "short term benefits" is what has, more than any other attitude, brought us to this pass.


Thanks for reading a Clueless Honky. Feel free to leave constructive feedback.