Sunday, November 28, 2021

Paul Kingsnorth's "The Vaccine Moment, part one"


I was on the verge of writing another blog post this last week, "inspired" (if it's possible to use that term in this context) by the unfolding events in Northern Territory, Australia. However, I recently came across this beautifully written piece by Paul Kingsnorth: "The Vaccine Moment, part one".

It says just about everything I was hoping to say at this moment, so I am very  thankful for the author taking the time and beating me to it. He does a much better job at it than I could have done.

I highly recommend it. If you can find the time, please check it out. 

Note: It's come to my attention that many people cannot access the essay, as it is behind a paywall. Usually, Substack allows visitors to access and read an article before committing to subscribe to a writer. Which, of course, makes sense. For some reason, that isn't working for this article, or at least not for numerous people that have contacted me about this.

So I'm going to openly commit a huge party foul here and copy and paste it here below in its entirety. If you like the post, I strongly encourage you to support Paul Kingsnorth through Substack and otherwise. I just don't want anyone to be forced to pay to read a controversial post with which they may disagree.

You can also take this as my act of civil disobedience against Substack - which, for the most part, I wholeheartedly support. I find it frustrating that while Patreon allows a minimum pledge of $1/ month to writers, that Substack's minimum pledge is $5/ month. I guess that many people would rather support 20 writers at $1 a month, than 4 writers at $5/ month. (Or the equivalent to whatever people's monthly budget for supporting independent voices may be).

Once again, if you find the post valuable, please support Paul Kingsnorth. So here it is:

The Vaccine Moment, part one

On the days of revelation

This is the first installment of a two-part essay on the virus and the Machine. Part two follows next week, after which normal service will be resumed.

Perhaps it’s because I’m English, or perhaps it’s my age, or perhaps it’s just blind prejudice, but when I wake to the news that the Austrian government has interned an entire third of its national population as a ‘danger to public health’, a chill runs down my spine. 

Austria, I think to myself. Ah.

I look at the news photos of armed, masked, black-clad police stopping people in the streets to ask for their digital papers, and I read stories of others arrested for leaving their own house more than the permitted once a day, and I hear Austrian politicians intoning that those who refuse to accede to the injection are to be shunned and scapegoated until they acquiesce. Then I watch interviews with ‘ordinary people’, and they say that the ‘unvaxxed’ had it coming. Some of them say that they should all be jailed, these enemies of the people. At best, the ‘anti-vaxxers’ are paranoid and misinformed. At worst they are malicious, and should be punished.

A few days later I wake up to some more news about Austria: from next year, everyone in the country will have a covid vaccine forced into them by the state, overriding their right to what certain people, who have gone very quiet recently, used to call ‘bodily autonomy.’

Then I look across the border at Germany. I see that in Germany, politicians are also considering interning the ‘vaccine hesitant’, and are currently discussing forcing vaccination upon every citizen. By the end of the winter, says Germany’s refreshingly honest health minister, Germans will be ‘vaccinated, cured or dead.’ There is apparently no fourth option. 

They have been busy in Germany. Recently they put up fences in Hamburg to separate the Bad Unvaxxed from the Good Vaxxed at the Christmas markets. Outdoors. Perhaps they will also provide the Good people with rocks to throw across those fences. When I see cartoons like the one at the top of this page, which recently appeared in a mainstream German newspaper, I think that this may not be far off. Here, the man on the sofa has bought himself a first-person shooter game in which he can having fun killing unvaccinated people. It will be, says the cartoonist, ‘a big hit under the Christmas tree.’1

Ha ha ha, I think. Germany. Fences. Internment. Forced injections. Armed police. Scan your code. Kill the unvaxxed.

Ha ha ha.

I am watching all this from Ireland, the country which has the highest adult vaccination rate in Western Europe, at over 94% of the population. At the same time, curiously, we have some of the highest covid infection rates in Western Europe too. The government has not been able to explain this fact, but it is a trend that has recently manifested in some other highly-vaccinated places too: Gibraltar, Israel, West Flanders. High levels of vaccination do not seem to correspond with low-levels of disease; often quite the opposite.

In other parts of the world, strange things are happening too. Africa, for example. Africa’s population is the largest, fastest-growing and materially poorest of any continent. Few governments there can afford to supply their people with the pricey corporate vaccines which we in the West have staked our nations on. Only 6% of Africa’s population is vaccinated, and national healthcare systems barely exist in many places, yet the WHO describes the continent as ‘one of the least affected regions in the world’ by the virus. In fact, the richer, more ‘developed’ parts of the world seem to be suffering worst from the pandemic.

Nobody seems to be able to explain any of this, but that hasn’t changed the official direction of travel. Certainly in Ireland, the script remains the same. For six months we have been living with vaccine apartheid, with the ‘unvaxxed’ excluded from much of society, but it hasn’t worked. Rates of infection are shooting up as winter arrives - as you might expect with a respiratory virus. We were all told recently to work from home, and another lockdown is on the cards. A midnight curfew has recently been imposed on pubs and nightclubs. This is odd, as only vaccinated people have been allowed into them for months, and we have repeatedly been assured that vaccinated people are safe to be around.

In an honest society, all of this would have been subject to robust public debate. We would have seen scientists of all opinions openly debating on TV and radio and in the press; views of all kinds aired on social media; journalists properly investigating reports of both vaccine successes and vaccine dangers; serious explorations of alternative treatments; public debates about the balance between civil liberties and public health, and what ‘public health’ even means. But we have not seen this and we will not see it, for debate, like dissent, is out of fashion. The media here in Ireland has not asked a critical question of anyone in authority for at least eighteen months. Google’s algorithms are busy burying inconvenient data, while the social media channels from which most people receive their worldview are removing or suppressing critical opinions, even if they come from virologists or editors of the British Medical Journal. 

Day after day, I have been waking and wondering: what is going on?

Internment. Mandatory medication. Segregation of whole sections of society. Mass sackings. A drumbeat media consensus. The systematic censoring of dissent. The deliberate creation by the state and the press of a climate of fear and suspicion. What could possibly justify this? Perhaps the combination of a terrible pandemic which killed or maimed large percentages of those it infected, and the existence of a safe and reliable medicine which was proven to prevent its spread. This, of course, is what we are said to be living through. This is the Narrative. 

But it is clear enough by now that the Narrative is not true. Covid-19 is a nasty illness which should be taken seriously, especially by those who are especially vulnerable to it. But it is nowhere near dangerous enough - if anything could be - to justify the creation of a global police state. As for the vaccines - well, let's just acknowledge that vaccination has become a subject which it is virtually impossible to discuss with any calmness or clarity, at least in public. As with almost every other big issue in the West today, opinion is divided along tribal lines and filtered through the foetid swamp of anti-social media, to emerge monstrous and dripping into the light.

Often, in an argument, what people think they are arguing about is not the real subject of disagreement, which is deeper and often unspoken, if it is even understood. So it is here. The divisions that have opened up in society about the covid vaccines are not really about the covid vaccines at all: they are about what vaccination symbolises in this moment. What it means to be 'vaxxed' or 'unvaxxed', safe or dangerous, clean or dirty, sensible or irresponsible, compliant or independent: these are questions about what it means to be a good member of society, and what society even is, and they are detonating like depth charges beneath the surface of the culture.

This is not to say that the surface disagreements don’t matter. They do. There are plenty of good reasons to be concerned about these medications and their enforced use. Here we have a novel technology, never before used at scale or for this purpose, used to create a series of vaccines which have been rolled out to millions before their clinical trials are even complete. This is an unprecendented situation - as is vaccination for a respiratory virus in the middle of a pandemic, which some people with serious expertise warn may worsen the sitution rather than end it. The companies manufacturing these things are making equally unprecedented hourly profits, and their long histories of dishonesty and cover-ups, plus the fact that they are legally immune from any liability for problems arising from these vaccines, makes it impossible to take seriously their assurances of safety. And when we witness an active state/media campaign against early treatment of a disease - the precise opposite of what every doctor is taught at medical school - along with a refusal to report any of the mounting evidence of short-term side-effects, it ought to be clear that something is happening which cannot be explained by the story we are being told.

For all these reasons and more, I have not been vaccinated against covid, and I don’t plan to be. This does not make me ‘anti-vax’ - a category that is designed to feed into the ongoing culture war narrative which separates the good from the bad people, and leads both sides in that war to demonise the other. I am not against vaccination, and I certainly wouldn’t imagine I had a right to tell others what to do with their bodies. I don’t believe that the available covid vaccines are ineffective - though they do not do what they were sold to us as doing - and I can see plenty of reasons for people, especially vulnerable people, to take them if they choose.

I expect that readers of this essay could argue with me about my decision if they felt like it, and I expect I could argue back. This is what much of the world has been doing sine these vaccines arrived on the scene. We could all throw peer-reviewed studies that we don’t really understand at each other, and they would all miss the mark because the vaccine is not the point. The point is what it symbolises - and what it is being used to build.

I am a writer. I know how to construct stories. I know what makes them succeed or fail, and I have a nose for when a story does not hang together. The covid Narrative is just such a story. It doesn’t fit together, even on its own terms. Something is wrong. The surface tale does not reflect what lies beneath. And what lies beneath is what interests me now.

We live in an apocalyptic time, in the original sense of the Greek word apokalypsis: revelation. What is happening on the surface is revealing what has always lain beneath, but which in normal times is hidden from view. All of the action now is in the underworld. Beneath the arguments about whether or not to take a vaccine that may or may not work safely, glides something older, deeper, slower: something with all the time in the world. Some great spirit whose work is to use these fractured times to reveal to us all what we need to see: things hidden since the foundation of the modern world.

Covid is a revelation. It has lain bare splits in the social fabric that were always there but could be ignored in better times. It has revealed the compliance of the legacy media and the power of Silicon Valley to curate and control the public conversation. It has confirmed the sly dishonesty of political leaders, and their ultimate obeisance to corporate power. It has shown up ‘The Science’ for the compromised ideology it is.

Most of all, it has revealed the authoritarian streak that lies beneath so many people, and which always emerges in fearful times. In the last month alone I have watched media commentators calling for censorship of their political opponents, philosophy professors justifying mass internment, and human rights lobby groups remaining silent about ‘vaccine passports.’ I have watched much of the political left transition openly into the authoritarian movement it probably always was, and countless ‘liberals’ campaigning against liberty. As freedom after freedom has been taken away, I have watched intellectual after intellectual justify it all. I have been reminded of what I always knew: cleverness has no relationship to wisdom.

I have learnt more about human nature in the last two years than in my preceding forty-seven. I have learnt some things about myself too, and I don’t especially like them either. I have noticed my ongoing temptation to become a partisan: to judge and condemn those on the other side of the question - those sheeple, those malicious enemies of Truth. I have noticed my tendency to seek out only sources of information which confirm my beliefs. Revelation is never comfortable.

Most of all, though, what the covid apocalypse has revealed to me is that when people are frightened, they can be easily controlled.

Control: this is the story of the times. Across the world we are seeing an unprecedented claim to control staked by the forces of the state, in alliance with the forces of corporate capital, over your life and mine. All of it converges on the revealed symbol of our age: the smartphone-enabled QR code that has, with frightening speed and in near-silence, become the new passport to a full human life. As ever, our tools have turned on us. Another revelation: they were never our tools to begin with. We were theirs.

Amongst the vast flock of contested facts that wheel around this virus like a murmuration of starlings, darkening the skies and addling the mind, one stands out. It is the single fact that blows a cathedral-shaped hole in the strategy being pursued by governments at present, and which offers a glimpse into the crypt. It is the fact that these vaccines, whatever their efficacy in other areas, do not prevent transmission of the virus.

This single fact - which has long been known but is barely ever mentioned - blows apart the case for vaccine passports, segregation, lockdowns of the 'unvaxxed' and all such similar measures. Even if you believe (or pretend to) that this virus is dangerous enough to justify the radical new forms of authoritarianism which have emerged around it - and I certainly don’t - those forms will fail anyway if both vaccinated and unvaccinated people can spread it; which we know they can.

What, then, can be the justification for the system of technological control and monitoring which has arisen around us with curious speed and smoothness over the last year? And what could explain the strangely similar language in which the world's governments explain and justify this system, which so many have adopted in similar ways with similar technologies in similar timeframes? That the 'unvaxxed' are a danger to society, and that the 'vaxxed' must be protected from them is the pretext. But as we are seeing on the ground in Ireland, the pretext is baseless.

If we were operating, as we pretend to be, from the ground of reason - if we really were 'following The Science' - then we would be dismantling these systems at this point. Instead we are moving deeper into them. We are being herded into a future in which scanning a code to prove you are a safe and obedient member of society will be a permanent feature of life, as unquestioned as credit cards and driver’s licences. We are moving towards enforced mandatory vaccination of entire populations - including children - and prison sentences for those who refuse. By winter’s end, we could be living in a world in which the state has taken full charge of our bodies, and our only chance of remaining active members of society is to submit to their every instruction, and agree to permanent digital monitoring to prove our compliance. 

Eighteen months ago, anyone suggesting that this would be the direction of travel when this virus arrived in town would have been dismissed as a paranoid David Icke fanboy. But over that eighteen months we have moved smoothly from ‘two weeks to flatten the curve’ to ‘mandatory injections to avoid prison.’ We have normalised this, and accepted it. We have not asked questions. Those who have dissented have been censored, silenced, bullied and abused.

Even as I was writing this essay, the situations in Germany and Austria were eclipsed by news from Down Under. This weekend, the Australian army began shifting covid-infected people into state-run camps. Parts of the Northern Territories of Australia have entered a ‘hard lockdown’, in which nobody can leave their house for any reason at all except for urgent medical treatment. Those who have contracted the virus, or simply been in contact with someone who has, will now be forcibly ‘transferred’ by soldiers to a government-run camp where they will be held until the state decrees they are safe enough to be released. 

These ‘mandatory supervised quarantine facilities’ have been used to quarantine incoming travellers for the last year. Now they are being used to 'contain' Australian citizens. You can watch this measure being announced by the government here. You can see another Australian politician fulminating about the ‘unvaxxed’ and what he would like to do to them here. If after this you are not filled with foreboding, then I don’t know what to say to you. 

My own sense of foreboding is deepening daily. Beneath the surface, down in those depths, I am far from the only one who can see what is emerging. The Narrative does not hang together, the story does not gel, but it is doing its job nonetheless. It is being used to summon forth and justify an unprecedented authoritarian technocracy which is hemming us all in with no consent, no debate, and no right to opt out. 

In a short but momentous two years, this is who we have become. We in the West, who have spent decades, if not centuries, lecturing the rest of the world about 'freedom', and sometimes trying to bomb them into accepting it. We who invented this thing called 'liberalism'; we who are now burying it. It didn't take much, did it, for our words to be revealed as hollow?

Nearly a decade ago, I wrote an essay called The Barcode Moment. It’s collected in my book Confessions of a Recovering Environmentalist, but you can also read the original version, in three parts, herehere and here. It was about the advance of intrusive technologies, and the question it posed was: where will you draw your line? I was trying to work out for myself the answer to this question, which has nagged at me for years. At what moment does the direction of travel of the Machine become so obvious, so intolerable, so frightening, that you can no longer acquiesce? What is the breaking point? For some people it was smartphones. For others it might have been social media. These days I think that the really smart people stepped off the carousel at dial-up modems and went quietly into the woods. 

That essay was easy to write compared to this one. Ten years ago, I shivered at the sight of Google’s new Glass technology, which in retrospect was an early shot at a prototype metaverse, and wrote about what it might portend. It turns out that it’s a dozen times easier to write about a future of technological control that might be around the corner than it is to write about it as it manifests around you. 

But this is what is happening today. Over the last six months I have been writing about the evolution of the vast grid of technological control that I call the Machine: where it came from, what powers it, how we manifest it in our culture and in our individual lives. Over the next few months, I was planning to write about how it manifests in the here and now, in our politics, society and culture. I will still be doing that, but I find myself being overtaken by events. By the time I finish writing these essays, we will be living in a very different world to the one we lived in when I started them. We already are. 

The covid pandemic has proven to be the perfect controlled experiment for the rollout of the next stage of the Machine’s evolution. This is the missing piece of the jigsaw puzzle without which the rest cannot be deciphered. The Narrative does not make sense until we understand that we are watching a new, radical form of techno-authoritarianism unfold before our eyes. It is not an accident, and it is not temporary. In the EU, Smartphone-enabled vaccine passes have been on the cards since at least 2018. The entire pandemic scenario was wargamed less than a year before it happened. The technology was ready, and the tightening of the ratchet long anticipated. All that was needed was a trigger event. As I wrote in my last essay here, the future in a collapsing society is a combination of both breakdown and clampdown. So it begins. 

No ‘conspiracy theory’ is required for this to be true. It doesn’t mean that the virus is not real or dangerous, or that Bill Gates wants to inject you with microchips (well, he might, but that’s a separate conversation ...) No hidden cabal of people needs to be in control. The people who are in control - or at least, who aspire to be - are out in plain sight, and have been for years, and most of us either don’t notice or don’t care. We are too busy playing with the toys they make for us. And what is the line between Them and Us, and how blurred is it?

What we are seeing is the Machine doing what it always does; what I have traced through its history for the past six months. It is taking advantage of events to cement its dominance. It is colonising our societies and our bodies and our minds. It is replacing nature with technology, and culture with commerce. It is making us parts in its operational matrix, and it is using our fear to justify its tightening grip. When we are afraid, we welcome control, we welcome authoritarianism, we welcome strong leaders who will save Us by excluding Them. We willingly give up our freedom for safety, and end up with neither. Our fear leads us by the hand towards the next stage of our long journey away from Earth and into artifice; away from human freedom and into the digital net.

Perhaps you think this sounds exaggerated. Hysterical, even. Just a few months ago I might have agreed. A year ago, I almost certainly would. But a year ago I had not seen what I have seen now. I had not seen the smartphone passports, the QR scanners, the meek public compliance, the deliberate whipping up of fear and hatred by political leaders. I had not seen the mandatory vaccination orders. I had not seen the camps.

Next week I will write more on what I see happening, and where it is heading. But for now, it is enough to say that my personal Vaccine Moment has arrived. Where once I was on the fence, now I am firmly off it. Even if I were to be convinced that these vaccines worked safely, I could never get myself a vaccine passport and acquiesce in the technological segregation of society. I could never scan my code without shivering. I cannot participate in this.

We all have a breaking point, and we all should, because this is the means by which our human intuition screams to us that something is wrong. This is mine. I will not go along with what is happening. I will not validate what is emerging. I will resist it. I will take my stand.

What has been interesting about just the last few days, as I have struggled with how to express myself here, is that huge numbers of people have taken to the streets to say the same thing: enough. As the pressure builds, the explosions begin. Following widespread walkouts and strikes in the USA in recent weeks, hundreds of thousands of people across Europe have begun to take to the streets to oppose the closing-in of the technium. Few of these vast demonstrations have been reported in the mainstream media - another of those facts which, if the world was what it pretends to be, would ring alarm bells, but which we have become inured to in the age of the Spectacle

But something is happening out there. It’s as if the Vaccine Moment is some kind of thoughtform, drifting through the air, settling on millions of us at once like soft rain. Or perhaps it is more that a fog has suddenly cleared. Perhaps more and more people are coming to see that what is happening now is the Rubicon of our age. Nothing will be the same after this, and it is not intended to be. If we don’t want the future to look like a QR code flickering across a human face forever, we are going to have to do something about it.

Thanks so much.
Take care,

Sunday, November 7, 2021

The Tolerant Class

At the onset, let me acknowledge that there is plenty of misinformation and exaggeration on all sides of the Covid issue. One side can’t seem to acknowledge that, despite their waning effectiveness, there still remains a short-term benefit from the jabs regarding hospitalization and death. Another side can’t seem to acknowledge the depth of short-term adverse reactions that so many experience, or that the long-term adverse effects of the jab and the forthcoming boosters remain a huge unknown.

However, I wish here to reach through all of that confusion, obfuscation, and divisiveness and speak directly and specifically to the still-accelerating roll-out of the Mandates & Passports. In other words, if you want to continue to try to convince others to get jabbed, have at it. May we all figure out how to speak to each other like human beings, acknowledging each other's valid concerns.

But since the roll-out of the Mandates & Passports continue like a run-away steam-roller, I will continue to escalate my push-back against them. I am too scared and too angry not to. Here’s my push-back against the Mandates & Passports:

The Tolerant Class endorses the firing of nurses and doctors who less than a year ago were hailed as “Heroes”. Nurses and doctors who literally risked their lives in order to care for others when a poorly understood but highly contagious disease was spreading throughout society.

The Tolerant Class endorses even firing those nurses and doctors who can prove they have natural immunity. Because the Tolerant Class is “following the science”.

The Tolerant Class endorses blaming the un-jabbed for spreading Covid when there’s at least as much evidence that the jabbed are also spreading the disease. Once again, that’s “following the science.”

The Tolerant Class endorses upending our longstanding cultural norms around medical privacy.

The Tolerant Class endorses upending our longstanding cultural norms around informed consent.

The Tolerant Class endorses casting aside the precautionary principle.

The Tolerant Class strenuously ignores the world’s most successful strategy against Covid to date, the State of Uttar Pradesh in India, which went from having skyrocketing cases to being effectively Covid-free in a matter of months, with only half the vaccination rate of the US. The Tolerant Class continues to ignore this so they can continue to prove that they care for the good-of-all by mandating jabs.

The Tolerant Class believes, as Thomas Harrington said, “that hearing someone utter a critique against an ideological construct that another person told them was good and correct is much more problematic than forcing someone to be injected with an experimental drug under the threat of losing their livelihood.”

At least the Tolerant Class isn’t Racist or Homophobic.

In the State of New South Wales in Australia, it is illegal for an un-jabbed person to visit another person in their own home. It is illegal for an un-jabbed person to go outside with more than one other person. These are actual laws on their books. No joke.

In the German State of Hesse, supermarkets can now legally block entry to the un-jabbed. No joke.

In Israel, your vaccination pass is no longer valid if you have only had two jabs. You have to already have had the third jab in order to participate freely in society. No joke.

All over the world, personal QR Codes for proof-of-vaccination for entry to all sorts of places are being completely normalized. All over the world.

Keep in mind that the Chinese have a digital social credit system where someone with a bad social credit score can be banned from traveling, working, banking, and entering contracts. In other words, if an authority figure deems you a threat in any way, you can be digitally disappeared with a keystroke.

How many steps away is a QR code Jab-Pass to enter a grocery store from the Chinese Social Credit System? If we were honest with ourselves, we’d have to admit that it is essentially the same. Digitally disappearing your political enemies is only one keystroke away.

Please take just one second here and imagine that your political enemies are the ones with this power in the future. Imagine it is their keystroke.

Please take just one second here and realize that none of the powers that the Government took in the Patriot Act were walked back in the intervening years. In fact, since then, they instead lied to our faces and told us that they weren’t spying on each and every one of us. Even though they were. And are. You know this.

Folks, things are moving very fast. Our fear of death is feeding the death-eaters.

Let us not sleepwalk foolishly into a totalitarian dystopia while mistakenly thinking that we’re taking every step proving how much we care for other people, trying to clarify that at least we’re not like all of those racist, homophobic deplorables.

Here’s a helpful poem from Martin Niemoller, a Lutheran Minister, Junior Officer and Early Nazi Supporter:

First they came for the Communists,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me,
and by that time there was no one
left to speak up for me.

The following are actual signs that hung in Berlin in the 1930s and 1940s. They are included in the “Places of Remembrance” Memorial in the Bavarian Quarter, Berlin, Germany. It would serve us well to review them, and to note the chronological order:

“All local government offices in Berlin must immediately suspend Jewish teachers in public schools.” April 1, 1933
“Jews are excluded from sports groups.” April 25, 1933
“Jews are expelled from all choral groups.” August 16, 1933
“Jews may not use the public beach at Wansee.” August 22, 1933
“Jewish authors are forbidden from all literary activities in Germany.” March, 1935
“Excursions by Jewish Youth Groups of more than 20 are forbidden” July 10, 1935
“Jewish veterinarians may not open practices.” April 3, 1936
“Jews may not receive academic degrees.” April 15, 1937
“Aryan and non-Aryan children are not allowed to play together.” 1938
“Jews may not be members of the German Red Cross.” January 3, 1938
“Jews may not own or run retail shops or mail order businesses.” November 12, 1938
“Jewish children are expelled from public schools.” November 15, 1938
“Jewish publishing houses and bookstores are to be dissolved by the end of the year.” December 1938
“General Employment Ban for all Jews.” January 17, 1939
“Jewish communities are responsible for clearing the rubble at synagogues which have been destroyed. Reconstruction is forbidden.” March 24, 1939
“Jews are not permitted to leave their apartments after 8 p.m.” September 1, 1939
“Telephone lines to Jewish households will be cut off.” July 29, 1940
“Jews in Berlin are only allowed to buy food between four and five o’clock in the afternoon.” July 4, 1940
“First mass deportation of Berlin Jews.” October 18, 1941
“The emigration of Jews is forbidden.” October 23, 1941
“First deportations directly to the death camp at Auschwitz.” July 11, 1942
“All files dealing with anti-Semitic activities are to be destroyed.” February16, 1945

First they came for the Un-Vaccinated,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I was Vaccinated.
Then they came for those without the First Booster Shot,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I had my First Booster Shot.
Then they came for those without their Second Booster Shot,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I had my Second Booster Shot.
Then they came for me,
and by that time there was no one
left to speak up for me.

If you have somehow made it this far in this post, the first thing I want to say is thank you.

The second thing I want to say is please understand that NPR is Mainstream Media. You’ve probably heard that NPR is heavily funded by the Robert Woods Johnson Foundation. Well, that’s one of the Johnson’s of well known Johnson’s & Johnson’s - one of the 3 manufacturers of the Covid jabs here in the US. That is more than a small conflict of interest. You may want to take everything they say with a grain of salt. And we know who owns the rest of the Mainstream Media.

The third thing I want to say is that it’s past time to bring up Mass Formation, a phenomenon of mass psychology that is essentially mass hypnosis. This historically led to the solidification of horrible totalitarian regimes such as the Nazis in Germany or the Bolsheviks in the Soviet Union. I highly recommend looking into the writings and interviews of Mattias Desmet, a professor of psychology at the University of Ghent in Belgium who has studied Mass Formation for the last ~20 years.

Mass Formation can happen in any society when four cultural conditions are met: 1) widespread social isolation, 2) widespread lack of sense-making in people’s lives, 3) widespread free-floating anxiety, 4) widespread psychological discontent.

The following is from Mattias Desmet when interviewed recently by Reiner Fuellmich. It is worth quoting at length.

"Free-floating anxiety is the most painful psychological phenomenon someone can experience. It’s extremely painful. It leads up to panic attacks, to all kinds of extremely painful psychological experiences. What people want in this situation is something to connect their anxiety to. They’re looking for an explanation for the anxiety. And now, if this free-floating anxiety is highly present in a population, and the media provide a narrative, which indicates an object of anxiety, and at the same time, describe a strategy to deal with this object of anxiety, then all the anxiety connects to this object and people are willing to follow the strategy to deal with this object, no matter what the cost is. That is what happens in the beginning of mass formation.

Then in a second step, people start a collective and heroic battle with this object of anxiety. And in that way, a new kind of social bond emerges and a new kind of sense-making. Suddenly life is all directed at battling the object of anxiety and in this way, establishing a new connection with other people. And that, the sudden switch of a negative state, a radical lack of social connection, to the opposite, to the massive social connection that is experienced in a crowd. This sudden switch leads up to a sort of mental intoxication. That’s what makes mass formation, or crowd formation, the exact equivalent of hypnosis. All people who have been describing, who have been studying, mass formation, such as Gustave Le Bon, William McDougall, and Elias Canetti have remarked that mass formation is not similar to hypnosis; that mass formation is exactly equal to hypnosis. Mass formation is a sort of hypnosis.

What happens is that at that moment, when people experience mental intoxication, it doesn’t matter anymore whether the narrative is correct or wrong, even blatantly wrong. What matters is that it leads up to this mental intoxication. And that’s why they continue to go along with the narrative, even if they could know by thinking for one second, that it is wrong. That is the central mechanism of mass formation. And that makes it so difficult to destroy it. Because for people, it doesn’t matter when the narrative is wrong. And what we try to do is we all try to show constantly that the narrative is wrong. But for people that’s not what it is all about. It’s all about the fact that they don’t want to go back to this painful state of free-floating anxiety.

What we have to realize, if we want to change this state of affairs, is that the first thing we have to do is acknowledge this painful anxiety. To think about why we got in the state of lack of sense-making, lack of social bonds, free-floating anxiety, the massive psychological discontent, and try to tell people, now we don’t need a Corona Crisis to establish a new social bond. We have to look for other ways to deal with the psychological problems that existed before the Corona Crisis and try to find other solutions. We don’t need this kind of mass phenomenon to solve the problems.

Mass formation is actually a symptomatic solution for a real psychological problem. In my opinion, this crisis in the first place is a large societal and psychological crisis much more than a biological crisis, let’s say. From this state of mental intoxication you can explain all the rest of the phenomenon of totalitarianism. The mental intoxication leads to a narrowing of the field of attention. It makes people only see what is indicated by the narrative.

For instance, people see the victims of the Corona virus, but they don’t seem to see at the cognitive level, the collateral damage of the lockdowns and all the victims that are claimed by the lockdowns. They are also not able, at an emotional level, to really feel empathy for the victims of the lockdowns. That is not because they are very egoistic. No, it’s just an effect of this psychological phenomenon. And it’s definitely—even as a consequence of mass formation, people do not get egoistic at all. But rather, to the contrary, mass formation focuses your attention so much on one point that you can take everything away of people—their psychological and physical well-being, their material well-being—you can take it away and they will not even notice it.

That’s one of the major consequences of mass formation. It’s exactly the same as hypnosis, as classical hypnosis. When a hypnotist—during hypnosis someone’s attention is focused on one point, you can cut in his flesh, the person will not notice it. That is what happens all the time. When a hypnosis is used as a kind of an anesthesia during a surgical operation, a rather simple hypnotic procedure is sufficient to make people completely insensitive to pain. You can, without any problem, cut in their flesh. Even under some circumstances you can perform an open heart operation in which the surgeon cuts straight through the breastbone and the patient will not notice this. That shows us that the focusing of attention is so strong, both in mass formation or in hypnosis, that people are really insensitive to all the personal losses they experience as a consequence.

Another consequence, that is very typical for totalitarian states, is that people become radically intolerant for dissonant voices. Because if someone tells another story, if someone claims that the official story is wrong, then this person threatens to wake the people up and they will get angry because they’re confronted with the initial anxiety and the initial psychological discontent. So they direct all that aggression at these dissonant voices, at the other voices. And at the same time, they are radically tolerant for their leaders, for the people who pronounce the mainstream narrative. These people can actually cheat and lie and manipulate and do everything they want, but they will always be forgiven by the crowd because the crowd seems to think that they do it for their own sake. That’s also part of the mechanism of mass formation."

Widespread Isolation:                                                                                           Check
Widespread Lack of Sense-making:                                                                        Check
Widespread Free-floating Anxiety:                                                                         Check
Widespread Psychological Discontent:                                                                    Check
Object of Anxiety (the Un-Jabbed) Focused on by Media:                                        Check
Media-Focused Strategy to Deal with Object of Anxiety:                                          Check
Collective and Heroic Battle Against Object of Anxiety:                                           Check
Hypnotic Attachment to Narrative Even When Contradicted by Evidence:                 Check
Blindness to Pain Inflicted on Others and even Oneself:                                           Check
Radical Intolerance to Dissonant Voices:                                                                  Check

At this point, you don’t need me to tell you that this isn’t looking so good.

And on top of all of that, or perhaps better said, below and foundational to all of that, our world is at a crossroads, a tipping point of not being able to carry on as it has before in just about every dimension of our lives.

We simply can’t continue going into debt to create a bunch of stuff that we don’t really need, using resources that we are running out of, thereby filling the world with all kinds of “illth”.

“Illth” is the opposite of wealth. (As John Michael Greer defines it, “to have ‘illth’ is to be burdened by things you don’t need or want, things that harm your well-being or prevent you from doing what you like.”)

So as Mattias Desmet says, “We have to look for other ways to deal with the psychological problems that existed before the Corona Crisis and try to find other solutions.”

In that vein, I’m going to get off this laptop now and go do something else.

As the last thing before I go, I’m going to link to a recent paper by Thomas Harrington published by the Brownstone Institute called “The Frightened Class”, analogous to what I’ve ironically called in this post “The Tolerant Class”. His paper is the source for the first quote in this post.

The Brownstone Institute recently brought on Martin Kulldorff, the epidemiologist from Harvard, as their Senior Scientific Director. They already had Jay Bhattacharya from Stanford as a Senior Scholar. I wish they would also bring on Dr. Harvey Risch, from Yale, as a Senior Scholar. You’ve probably heard of Harvard, Stanford and Yale. Have you heard of these doctors? I encourage you to check them out. While you can.

And when you’re ready, get off the device. Not before you’re ready. But when you’re ready.

Thank you so much for your time and attention.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Shall We Make a Deal?

Now that we are a few more weeks into the accelerating Covid-Jab Mandates & Passports, let's check in to see how we’re all doing. 

Personally I know folks who got coerced to get the jab. Not out of fear of Covid, but out of the fear of losing their jobs, their health insurance, and/ or their retirement. They have kids, so they couldn't take the risk of losing this security for their family. So they went against their own best overall sense of things, they went against their best intuition, and they took the jab.

People are being coerced into taking a jab to which nobody knows the long-term consequences.

It is not my concern about whether or not you did or did not take the jab. I respect that that is up to you, and no-one else. The ones closest to you, the ones that you love and that love you, should have some say. But, in the end, it is your choice, and yours alone.

I am, however, growing increasingly frustrated that our society is somehow normalizing the coercion of others to take the jab.

To stress again, I continue to share my own personal reasons to not take the jab not to get you to question the jab, but to get you to question the Covid-Jab Mandates and Passports. Whether or not you agree with any of my personal reasons to refuse the jab, I pray that you can begin to see how an intelligent person can make an informed and respectable choice to not take it. And that everyone is entitled to make their own choice.

There is only one argument that I have heard that I believe comes even close to having any validity in regards to the coerced Covid injections. And that is that society needs to reduce the impacts on our healthcare systems from Covid. And that in the short-term, the jabs do seem to suppress symptoms. So the argument goes that a higher percentage of jabbed people within our population could potentially relieve some stress on our over-burdened health-care systems in the short-term. 

Of course, this argument is undermined incredibly by the notion that we should fire healthcare workers for not getting jabbed. If our health-care systems are over-burdened, the very last thing we should even consider is firing employees that have been working hard on the front lines of Covid for the last year and half. In a sane and decent society, this would be a obvious choice. 

To which the mainstream narrative responds: “but the un-jabbed are the ones who are responsible for the bulk of transmission and for the evolution of the variants. Of course we don’t want un-jabbed health-care workers.”

If someone can show me actual scientific evidence of this narrative being even remotely true, please do let me know. Otherwise, please drop it.

If you don’t want to believe me when I say that the Jabbed can transmit the virus, maybe you’ll listen to Fauci:   Dr. Fauci on COVID-19 spread: Vaccinated people who have an... infection are capable of transmitting

Let’s get this straight: what Fauci is saying is that the Jabbed are less likely to show symptoms, but if infected, are just as contagious as the Un-Jabbed. 

But if they are less likely to show symptoms, does it not also follow that they are less likely to know they are infected?

So let’s just think about this for a second.

Let's say that two nurses have been infected with Covid. One jabbed. One un-jabbed.

The un-jabbed nurse is showing symptoms. The jabbed nurse isn’t.

Therefore the un-jabbed nurse is more likely to know that they are sick. That nurse is more likely to stay home, start the early treatment protocols, try to get better, and therefore not infect anyone else.


Which nurse do you want treating you for a broken leg in a hospital? 

Personally, I want the un-jabbed nurse taking care of me, as they are more likely to know if they are infected. They are more likely to know if they are contagious. 

Which do you want taking care of you in a hospital?

Please note that this last thought experiment doesn't just apply to nurses who may take care of you in a hospital, but to each and every individual that you meet.


As far as the burden on our healthcare system, I have a friend who is an ER doctor in a hospital in KY, who notes how overwhelmed their hospital's care systems are right now because of Covid. I do understand that. And I do not want to contribute to this problem.


The first thing to say here is that it is way past time to talk about Covid early treatment options - the type of treatments that helped prevent many states within India from descending into a medical catastrophe:


Uttar Pradesh is an incredibly densely populated state within India with ~2/3 the population of the entire US in an area smaller than Oregon. They are now close to being Covid-free.

Less than 35% of their population has received at least one dose of the jab. This is almost half of the US’s present rate of 64% having received at least one dose. Yet, with these comparatively low jab-rates, they have almost become Covid-free.

How is that possible? We were told that everybody had to be jabbed for Covid to disappear here so we can all go back to normal. Isn't that now the mainstream narrative (after a number of "moving-of-the-goal-posts")?


Is the US Mainstream “News” even asking questions about Covid-free Indian states - just a few months after the same "News" was insisting that India was a sign of what is to come for us - warning us all that this proved that we all had to hurry up and get jabbed?


This is one possible explanation for Uttar Pradesh's reduction in Covid:


Does the mainstream narrative have a better explanation for Uttar Pradesh's success with Covid other than this Indian state's use of Ivermectin as prophylaxis and early treatment? Does anyone have a better explanation?

On the contrary, both our Mainstream "News" and our "top medical authorities" simply ignore the success with Covid that many Indian states have achieved, and instead they demonize Ivermectin. They are putting lives at risk with this embarrassing and reckless behavior.

I'm not going to say that is is as embarrassing and reckless as the whole "Iraq has Weapons of Mass Destruction" fiasco only because it's so hard to compare, and because it's perhaps too early to tell how full-blown this catastrophe will be in its wake.


If we truly wanted to reduce the burdens on our healthcare systems, we would:

  1. Stop firing healthcare workers based on their jab status.

  2. Adopt widespread use of Covid Early Treatment protocols to keep people out of our hospitals.


These are the top priorities in reducing the burden on our healthcare systems.

However, I am still willing to go one step further here. I am willing to make a deal:


As an un-jabbed person, I am willing to forego the use of any hospital or emergency care facility if I get sick from Covid and need medical help.


But the deal would be:  that if the situation here in the US follows England's trend, where Covid becomes less and less a disease of the un-jabbed, and it eventually got to the point where it was more a disease of the jabbed - that those jabbed are also willing to forego the use of any hospital or emergency care facility if they get sick from Covid and need medical help in such a potential future.


They would only have to forego care if there was evidence that the tables truly had turned, and that the hospitalizations and deaths of the jabbed were higher than their representative proportion of the country.


Before making that deal, I recommend that everyone really pores over the data coming out of England that is available to all. I’ve added the most recent data that was just released by Public Health England on Friday September 17th, 2021 to my previous chart.


Spot any trends? What do you say? Shall we make a deal?

The data for the chart above comes from Public Health England’s regular Technical Briefings “SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern and Variants Under Investigation”. Table 5 data from Briefings #17, #19, #21, #22, & #23 was entered into the following spreadsheet to 1) segregate out the most recent data, and 2) to calculate percentages:      PHE Data through #23

I would imagine that seeing the trend in the chart above would make someone question whether or not to get jabbed at all. But once again, that choice should be entirely up to you.

Within most specific age brackets in England other than the youngest few, there is still a benefit from getting jabbed in regards to lessening hospitalization and death. Someone might see that benefit and choose to get jabbed.

On the other hand, someone might see that short-term benefit, and weigh it against the potential short- and long-term risks that come both from the jab and from the subsequent boosters that seem to be coming down the pike. (Israel is already talking about their citizens getting their fourth jab).

What are the long-term consequences of getting multiple boosters? Once again, nobody knows.

Someone might also weigh the short-term benefits of taking the jab now against what seems like a very clear trend-line for the longer-term risks that England's data reveals.

Personally, I choose not to get jabbed. I choose not to hand over the future of my immune system to the pharmaceutical industry. I choose to go the route that many poor nations and states around the world have gone, and use early treatment protocols if I get sick.

If you don't want to do the same, if you choose, or have chosen, to get the jab, that is completely fine with me. I am not trying to get you to question your decision for yourself. I recognize that this is a very complicated choice to make. All of the risks and benefits have to be weighed relative to one's own very personal medical history.

However, what I very much want you to question is our society’s increasing normalization of coercing others to take the jab. That has to stop. 

It is past time to question the mainstream narrative

It is now time for us to take a stand for people's right to choose - regardless of what choice we make.

Health and happiness to you all.

Thanks for your time and attention.

Take care

P.S. I welcome fact-checks, but please don't bother sending me some "fact check" that you took one minute to google and then only took seconds to actually read, and somehow missed that the "fact check" is two and half months old - so not relevant at all to the data to which I include in my chart on England's recent Delta Hospitalizations and Deaths.

P.S.S. Also please note that if you want to convince me to get jabbed, go ahead. Just note that I am setting a higher bar here for you than that. You don't need to convince me that I should get jabbed. You need to convince me that it is somehow OK for everyone to be coerced to get jabbed. Please understand that it's the higher bar you need to meet here.

And regarding Ivermectin in India, I am also setting a higher bar for you. You need to not only seed doubt that it was Ivermectin that reduced Covid harm in Uttar Pradesh, you need to 1) prove what otherwise accounts for their success in treating Covid, and 2) prove that it's not worth at least trying here. It was tried in a state with 2/3 of the US population with success and no drawbacks. Therefore the onus is on you to prove that it would somehow be dangerous or otherwise different to try it here.

With all of that said, have at it.

Please do feel free to comment. I request, however, that you comment here on this blog-post, and not to my personal email or on facebook (faceplant). This will allow more people to follow the threads. I will moderate the comments to ensure an open, fair and courteous conversation, because I see what happens elsewhere on the internet and I am not so insane as to think it couldn't happen here.