Sorry for the immense delay in posting. One day, the clueless honky will return with new material.
In the meantime, let me make a couple of recommendations:
1) If this is your first visit to the site, please read the posts in the order they are numbered. They might make sense reading them out of order. But goodness knows, they'll make a lot more sense in the order they were intended to be read.
2) If you're looking for other blogs worth reading, let me kindly recommend two blogs by one author, John Michael Greer, that are not only highly valuable, and incredibly well thought out and written, but are also highly pertinent to the subject matter of the Clueless Honky.
Greer's weekly blog is Ecosophia:
His monthly blog is the Well of Galabes:
The Well of Galabes was started just this last year (2014), and is only done monthly, so it is worthwhile to go back to its beginning and start reading from there. Even if it seems like it's not up your alley, I'd recommend really giving it a concerted effort. His unfolding description of the magical traditions is the best I've ever read, and is certainly causing this clueless honky to really sit with my own understanding of the story of the Sorcerer's Apprentice.
My own use of the term "magic" within this blog, and how I believe it applies to all ancient and modern forms of technology - this is most certainly not what Greer means by the term "magic". There are huge important differences between magic and technology, and likewise important reasons to maintain them as separate and distinct concepts.
And yet, however, there also seems to be some strange similarities. Perhaps I'm forcing them under the same word "magic" because of my incredible affinity for the story of the Sorcerer's Apprentice, and because of how much I find this story to be a strong and clear message/ warning from our ancestors.
And perhaps I am not forcing the issue. Most of the earliest scientists whose insights led to many of the modern technologies of the industrial revolution were also practitioners to some degree of some ancient magical tradition. We are heirs to whole worlds of linguistic confusion, and the subjects of magic and technology seem particularly ripe with these "gifts".
It is likely that clueless honky postings in the near future will have nothing to do with these questions about the strange relationship between magical and technological traditions, but I guess I just wanted you to know that these questions are afoot. Maybe you too can catch sight of them sneaking around.
Thanks for your time and attention.
take care,
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